QU Career Networking for Current Students and Alumni

 “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”— Isaac Newton


Welcome to Career inQUire!
We are excited to have you join our career networking site. Quincy University is excited for the start of a pilot program where students and alumni can connect with one another and create long-lasting relationships. Career inQUire was designed for QC/QU alumni to connect with other alumni, and for our current students to connect with our alumni.
Currently, the program is offered only to Communication majors, but Quincy University has high hopes to grow this opportunity to other programs and schools.

Let the networking begin!

Are you a recent grad looking for new opportunities or guidance?

Maybe you’re an alum from the class of 1968 and as you begin to celebrate your 50th Anniversary, you want to connect with your classmates.

Better yet…maybe you’re an alumni or current student who is looking for connect with Hawks past and present around the world…Career inQUire is the perfect place to be!

Career inQUire is a pilot program open to students and alumni from the Communication Studies program from all class years. Quincy University is looking to grow this opportunity to students and alumni from various programs and schools. Once students and alumni have signed up, they can network with Hawks around the world!

Quincy University welcomes any of the Career inQUire members to start a forum thread with a question…and better yet…responses!
Participants must register by logging in to the Career inQUire networking site’s easy-to-use online platform and completing a profile. Then the networking begins!

Amanda SummersFor more information contact:
Amanda Summers
Coordinator of Alumni Services
217-228-5432 ext:3451